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首页 -- 精彩范文 -- 精彩范文 -- 产能燃料相关词汇的中英翻译(12)



洩漏率 rate, leakage
死亡率 rate, mortality
能量損失率 rate, of energy loss
開束計數率 rate, open-beam counting
產生率 rate, production
輻射率 rate, radiation
輻射分解率 rate, radiation decomosition
放射性衰變率 rate, radioactivedecay
反應率 rate, reaction
反應度加入率 rate, reactivity insertion
復原率;回收率 rate, recovery
重現率 rate, recurrence
分解時間符合率 rate, resolving-time coincidence
飽和蛻變率 rate, saturation disintegration
急停率 rate, scram
單頻路計數率 rate, single-channel(counting)
自發分裂率 rate, spontaneous fission
耐受劑量率 rate, tolerance dose
觸發器重複率 rate, trigger repetition
迴轉速度;循環速度 rate, turnover
吸取率 rate, uptake
重量(流)率 rate, weight
破壞率 rate,destruction
額定容量 rated capacity
額定電流 rated current
額定流量 rated flow
額定流量控制管線 rated flow control line
額定頻率 rated frequency
額定熱平衡 rated heat balance
額定抗擊電壓 rated impulse-with-stand voltage
額定中子通率 rated neutron flux
額定運轉狀態 rated operating condition
額定輸出 rated output
額定輸出必v rated output power
額定模式 rated pattern
額定必v狀態 rated power condition
額定壓力 rated pressure
額定速率 rated speed
額定蒸汽流量 rated steam flow
額定蒸汽流量率 rated steam flow rate
額定溫度 rated temperature
額定熱必v rated thermal power
額定電壓 rated voltage
額定瓦特消耗 rated watt consumption
數率 ratemeter
瞬時侖琴數率計 ratemeter, instantaneous roentgen
升高熱率引動裝置 rate-of-rise heat activated divice
強震 rather strong
定等級 rating
通率定額 rating flux
精確度 rating, accuracy
連續定額 rating, continuous
耗散必v rating, dissipation
電(力)定額 rating, electrical
加熱定額 rating, heating
負載定額 rating, load
最大定額 rating, maximun
必v定額 rating, power
短時定額 rating, short-time
熱定額 rating, thermal
電壓定額 rating, voltage
比率 ratio
比率控制 ratio control
活性密度比率 ratio of activity density
吸收比率 ratio, absorption
豐度比率 ratio, abundance
活性比率 ratio, activity
阿伐與貝他之比 ratio, alpha-to-beta
阿伐與中子分裂比 ratio, alpha-to-neutron-fission
孔徑比率 ratio, aperture
原子比率 ratio, atomic
軸向鏡比率 ratio, axial mirror
背景比率 ratio, background
滋生比率 ratio, berrding
生物上與物理上之比 ratio, bilogical/physical
偏壓與窗之比 ratio, biss-to-window
分支比率 ratio, branching
" ratio, C/U
石墨和鼓滬鴗l比 ratio, C/U atom"
鎘比率 ratio, cadmium
捕獲對分裂之比 ratio, capture-to-fission
荷質比率;電荷對質量之比 ratio, charge-to-mass
符合對單數(計數)之比 ratio, coincidence/singles
轉化比率 ratio, conversion
偵檢比率 ratio, detection
微分吸收比率 ratio, differential absorption
無因次能量比率 ratio, dimensionless energy
分布比率 ratio, distribution
電子  ratio, electron-chargemass
膨脹比率 ratio, expansion
外轉換比率 ratio, external conversion
分裂比率 ratio, fission
分裂分支比率 ratio, fission branching
分裂對捕獲(截面)之比 ratio, fission-t0-capture
通率比率 ratio, flux
燃料與緩和劑之比 ratio, fuel-to-moderator
" ratio, graphite-uranium
迴轉磁比率 ratio, gyromagnetic"
初始燃料轉化比率 ratio, initial fuelconversion
內部滋生比率 ratio, internal breeding
內部轉化比率 ratio, internal conversion
游離比率 ratio, ionization
同位素豐度比率 ratio, isotopic abundance
K/L比率 ratio, K/L
K層捕獲分支比率 ratio, K-capture branching
K層電子轉化比率 ratio, K-electron conversion
質量比率 ratio, mass
質量對電荷之比 ratio, mass-to-charge
最大與平均必v之比 ratio, maximum-to-average-power
平均燃料轉化比率 ratio, mean fuelconversion
鏡比率 ratio, mirror
減速比率 ratio, moderating
緩和劑與燃料比 ratio, moderator-to-fuel
克分子比率 ratio, molar
克分子比 ratio, mole
中性(粒子)與帶電(粒子)比 ratio, neutral-to-charge
中子-質子比 ratio, neutron-proton
中子-加馬靈敏度比 ratio, neutron-to-gamma sensitivity
寄生捕獲與分裂比 ratio, parasitic-capture-to-fission
峰谷比 ratio, peak-to-valley
正-負(粒子)比 ratio, positive-to-negative
正子-捕獲分支比 ratio, positron-capture branching
脈衝延續(時間)比 ratio, pulse-duration
脈衝-時間比 ratio, pulse-time
真實-隨機計數比 ratio, real-to-random
回流率 ratio, reflux
表面-質量比 ratio, S/M
信號-雜訊比 ratio, S/N
樣品-背景活性比 ratio, sample-to-background-activity
信號-雜訊比 ratio, signal-noise
信號對雜訊比 ratio, signal-to-noise
穩態燃料轉化比 ratio, steady-statefuel-conversion
表面-質量比 ratio, surface-to-mass
釷-燃料比 ratio, Th-to-fuel
蒸汽壓比 ratio, vapor pressure
" ratio, W/U
水至馱? ratio, water-to-uranium rauvite"
核迴轉磁比 ratio. Muclear gyromagnetic
含水釩酸鈣嘆q rauvite"
原料 raw material
生水儲水池 raw water reservior
射線 ray
宇宙射線 ray cosmic
射線發散 ray divergence
加馬射線 ray, gamma
雷鈉射線 ray, Lenard
照射 raying
X射線照射 raying, X
瑞立蒸餾 Rayleigh distillation
瑞立近似法 Rayleigh's approximation method
防護射線 ray-proof
光化射線 rays, actinic
阿伐射線 rays, alpha
陽極射線 rays, anode
貝克勒射線 rays, Becquerel
貝他射線 rays, beta
极隧射線 rays, cannal
捕獲加馬射線 rays, capture gamma
級聯加馬射線 rays, cascade gamma
陰極射線 rays, cathode
符合貝他-加馬射線 rays, coincident beta-and-gamma
宇宙射線 rays, cosmic
去激發加馬射線 rays, de-excitation gamma
得耳他射線;&射線 rays, delta
定向射線 rays, directed
高能加馬射線 rays, energetic gamma
分裂加馬射線 rays, fission gamma
加馬射線 rays, gamma
(X射線)跨界射線 rays, grenz
紅外線 rays, infrared
游離射線 rays, multiply charged cosmic
多電荷粒子宇宙射線 rays, neutron-caputre gamma
中子捕獲加馬射線 rays, nuclear gamma
〔核〕加馬射線 rays, positive
正子射線 rays, primary cosmic
瞬發加馬射線 rays, prompt gamma
回跳展寬加馬射線 rays, recoil-broadened gamma
侖琴射線 rays, Roentgen
海平面宇宙射線 rays, sea-level cosmic
次級宇宙射線 rays, secondary cosmic
太陽宇宙射線 rays, solar cosmic
連續加馬射線 rays, successive gamma
超宇宙射線 rays, super cosmic
紫外線 rays, ultraviolet
僥g線 rays, uranium
X射線 rays, X
反應器廠內閉路冷卻水 RBCCW (reactor building closed cooling water)
比較生物效應 RBE (relative biological effectiveness)
比較生物效應劑量 RBE dose
反應器廠裝備排水槽 RBEDT (reactor building equipment drain tank)
棒阻塞偵測器 RBM (rod block monitor)
棒阻塞偵測器頻道 RBM channel
棒阻塞偵測器低指示警報 RBM downscale alarm
棒阻塞偵測器動作失效警報 RBM inperative alarm
棒阻塞偵測器互鎖 RBM interlock
棒阻塞偵測系統 RBMS (rod block monitoring sysTem)
記錄器/控制器 RC (recorder/controller)
RC濾波器;積分濾波器 RC filter
RC 低通濾波器 RC low pass filter
放射性濃度守則 RCG (radioactivity concentration guide)
爐〔核〕心隔離冷卻系統 RCIC (reactor core isolation cooling)
反應器核〔爐〕心隔離冷卻自動隔離信號 RCIC auto-isolation signal
反應器核〔爐〕心隔離冷卻啟動 RCIC initiation
反應器核〔爐〕心隔離冷卻邏輯電驛 RCIC logic relay
反應器核〔爐〕心隔離冷卻泵 RCIC low pump
反應器核〔爐〕心隔離冷卻系統 RCIC system
反應器冷卻劑壓力邊界 RCPB (reactor coolant pressure boundary)
短波輻射 rdaiation, short-wave-length
放射靜電消除器 rdaioactive sattic eliminator
放射測定探勘 rdaiometric prospecting
放射皮炎;X射線皮炎 rdio-dermatitis; X-ray dermatitis
(一)反應(二)作用 react
電抗 reactance
反應物 reactant
反應 reaction
〔反應器〕反應室 reaction chamber
反應通道 reaction channel
反應截面 reaction cross-section
反應循環 reaction cycle
反應能量 reaction energy
反應公式 reaction formula
介子誘發反應 reaction induced by mesons
反應抑制 reaction inhibition
反應機構 reaction mechanisms
反應機率 reaction probability
反應產物 reaction product
反應率 reaction rate
反應低限 reaction threshold
〔反應器之〕反應區 reaction zone (of reactor)
互毀反應 reaction, annihilation
人工核反應 reaction, artificial nuclear
分支鏈反應 reaction, branching chain
部份捕獲反應 reaction, buckshot
捕獲反應 reaction, capture
催化交換反應 reaction, catalytic exchange
催化熔合反應 reaction, catalytic fusion
鏈反應 reaction, chain
化學反應 reaction, chemical
碰撞反應 reaction, collision
可控制反應 reaction, controllable
受控制反應 reaction, controlled
廻旋加速器反應 reaction, cyclotron
遲延反應 reaction, deferred
氘核拾取反應 reaction, deuteron pickup
末端反應 reaction, end
吸能反應 reaction, endoergic
吸熱反應 reaction, endothermic
超熱中子反應 reaction, epithermal (-neutron)
交換反應 reaction, exchange
放能反應 reaction, exoergic
放熱反應 reaction, exothermic
爆炸反應 reaction, explosive
爆炸分裂反應 reaction, explosive fission
快中子反應 reaction, fast-neutron
快中子鏈反應 reaction, fast-neutron chain
分裂反應 reaction, fission
分裂鏈反應 reaction, fission chain
裂變反應 reaction, fragmentation
熔合反應 reaction, fusion
加馬誘發反應 reaction, gammainduced
高能反應 reaction, high-energy
高級中子反應 reaction, higher-order neutron
高級反應 reaction, high-order
氫〔熔合〕反應 reaction, hydrogen (fusion)
撞擊蛻變反應 reaction, impact disintegration
誘發反應 reaction, induced nuclear
照射反應 reaction, irradiation
多粒子反應 reaction, multipleparticle
多級交換反應 reaction, multistage exchange
中子反應 reaction, neutron
中子捕獲反應 reaction, neutron capture
中子鏈反應 reaction, neutron chain
中子發射反應 reaction, neutron-emitting
中子誘發反應 reaction, neutron-induced
中子產生反應 reaction, neutron-producing
核〔撞擊〕反應 reaction, nuclear (bombardment)
粒子反應 reaction, particle
光化學反應 reaction, photochemical
光致核反應 reaction, photonuclear
拾取反應 reaction, pick-up
輻射反應 reaction, radiation
輻射逆反應 reaction, radiation back
輻射化學反應 reaction, radiation chemical
輻射損害反應 reaction, radiationdamage
回跳反應 reaction, recoil
共振反應 reaction, resonance
共振反應 reaction, resonant
失控核鏈反應 reaction, runawy nuclear chain
散射反應 reaction, scattering
二級反應 reaction, second-order
選擇性反應 reaction, selective
自限鏈反應 reaction, self-limiting chain
自持鏈反應 reaction, self-maintaining chain
自增殖鏈反應 reaction, self-multiplying chain
自持鏈反應 reaction, self-supporting chain
自持鏈反應 reaction, self-sustained chain
自持鏈反應 reaction, self-sustaining chain
支反應;副反應 reaction, side
單頻路反應 reaction, single-channel
慢中子反應 reaction, slow-neutron
慢中子捕獲反應 reaction, slow-neutron capture
慢中子鏈反應 reaction, slow-neutron chain
太陽型反應 reaction, solar-type
固態反應 reaction, solid-state
散裂反應 reaction, spallation
散裂分裂反應 reaction, spallation-fission
自發核反應 reaction, spontaneous nuclear
剝裂反應 reaction, stripping
持續反應 reaction, sustained
熱中子反應 reaction, thermal (-neutron)
熱中子捕獲反應 reaction, thermal-neutron capture
熱中子鏈反應 reaction, thermal-neutron chain
熱核反應 reaction, thermonuclear
低限反應 reaction, threshold
兩體反應 reaction, two-body
失控鏈反應 reaction, uncontrolled chain
氘核誘發反應 reactions induced by deuteron
反應混合物 reactive mixture
無效電力 reactive power
再活化 reactiviation
反應度 reactivity
反應度事故 reactivity accident
反應度平衡 reactivity balance
反應度係數 reactivity coefficient
反應度補償 reactivity compensation
反應度控制 reactivity control
反應度控制誤作用 reactivity control malfunction
反應度控制系統 reactivity control system
反應度過剩 reactivity excess
反應度回饋 reactivity feedback
反應度增量 reactivity increment
反應度插入率 reactivity insertion rate
反應度限度 reactivity limit
反應度餘裕 reactivity margin
反應度測量 reactivity measurements
反應度計 reactivity meter
反應度雜訊 reactivity noise
反應度振盪器 reactivity oscillator
反應度〔變〕率 reactivity rate
" reactivity swing
反應度溫度係數 reactivity temperature coefficient"
反應度單位 reactivity units
遲延反應度 reactivity, delayed
過剩反應度 reactivity, excess
瞬時反應度 reactivity, instantaneous
無效反應度 reactivity, nonproductive
核反應度 reactivity, nuclear
〔反應器〕堆反應度 reactivity, pile
瞬時反應度 reactivity, prompt
停機〔爐〕反應度 reactivity, shutdown
時間平均反應度 reactivity, time-averaged
逆反應 reacton, back
反應器 reactor
反應器輔導系統 reactor auxilliary system
反應器射柱 reactor beam
反應器廠房 reactor building
反應器廠房輔助起重機 reactor building auxilliary hoist
反應器廠房真空制動器 reactor building vacuum breaker
反應器〔核心〕單元 reactor cell
反應器裝料 reactor charge; reactor feed
反應器化學 reactor chemistry
反應器組件 reactor components
反應器常數 reactor constants
反應器容器 reactor container
反應器圍阻 reactor containment
反應器控制和儀表應用 reactor control and instrumentation
反應器控制抬板 reactor control bench board
反應器冷卻劑 reactor coolant
反應器冷卻劑滲漏率 reactor coolant leakage rate
反應器冷卻劑補給 reactor coolant makeup
反應器冷卻劑管路 reactor coolant piping
反應器冷卻劑管路系統 reactor coolant piping system
反應器冷卻劑系統組件 reactor coolant piping system component
反應器冷卻劑系統 reactor coolant system
反應器冷卻溫度 reactor cooling temperature
反應器核〔爐〕心 reactor core
反應器核〔爐〕心水力學 reactor core hydraulics
反應器核〔爐〕心隔離冷卻系統 reactor core isolation cooling system
反應器核〔爐〕心營運 reactor core management
反應器循環 reactor cycle
反應器設計 reactor design
反應器圓頂 reactor dome
反應器動力學 reactor dynamics
反應器工程〔學〕 reactor engineering
反應器工程費 reactor engineering cost
反應器護殼 reactor envelope
反應器方程式 reactor equation
反應器發展 reactor evolution
反應器脫羈事故;反應器必v陡增 reactor excursion
反應器脫羈事故 reactor excursion accident
反應器族類 reactor family
反應器飼水泵操作 reactor feed pump operation
反應器飼水泵加熱器 reactor feedwater heater
反應器飼水泵 reactor feedwater pump
動力反應器 reactor for power purposes
空間加熱用反應器 reactor for space heating
反應器燃料 reactor fuel
反應器燃料生產 reactor fuel production
反應器〔幾何〕形狀 reactor geometry
反應器級電漿 reactor grade plasma
反應器頂部 reactor head
反應器熱平衡 reactor heat balance
反應器高水位 reactor high water level
反應器熱室 reactor hot cell
反應器固有防護 reactor inherent protection
反應器注入〔裝置〕 reactor injection
反應器儀表應用 reactor instrumentation
反應器儀表應用與控制 reactor instrumentation and control
反應器內部零件 reactor internal component
反應器動態學 reactor kinetics
反應器〔燃料〕格子 reactor lattice
反應器負載 reactor loading
反應器迴路 reactor loop
反應器材料 reactor material
反應器模態〔選擇〕開關 reactor mode switch
反應器緩和劑 reactor moderators
反應器中子 reactor neutrons
反應器雜波 reactor noise
反應器運轉 reactor operation
瓜器運轉訓練 reactor operation training
反應器〔中子〕振盪器 reactor oscillator
反應器振盪器度量 reactor oscillator measurement
反應器超越遲延中子 reactor outruns the delayed neutron
反應器周期 reactor period
反應器周期計 reactor period meter
反應器物理師 reactor physicist
反應器物理 reactor physics
反應器毒物 reactor poison
反應器池 reactor pond
反應器必v reactor power
反應器必v準位 reactor power level
反應器必v運轉 reactor power operation
反應器必v瞬態 reactor power transient
反應器壓力 reactor pressure
反應器壓力衰變 reactor pressure decay
反應器壓力瞬態 reactor pressure transient
反應器保護系統母線 reactor protection system buses
反應器回應 reactor response
反應器屏蔽牆擋 reactor sacrificial shield wall
反應器保防 reactor safeguard
反應器安全 reactor safety
反應器安全考慮 reactor safety considerations
反應器安全評估 reactor safety evaluation
反應器安全引信 reactor safety fuse
反應器急停 reactor scram
反應器急停容量 reactor scram capability
反應器維護工具 reactor servicing tools
反應器屏蔽混凝土 reactor shield concrete
反應器抑制 reactor shiming
反應器急停冷卻系統 reactor shutdown cooling system
反應器模擬器 reactor simulator
反應器廠址準則 reactor site criteria
反應器能譜 reactor spectrum
反應器球外殼 reactor sphere
反應器起動振動 reactor startup vibration
反應器結構材料 reactor structural materials
反應器支援系統 reactor support system
反應器系統 reactor system
反應器槽 reactor tank
反應器〔學〕說 reactor theory
反應器時間常數 reactor time constant
反應器暫態 reactor transient
反應器跳脫系統 reactor trip system
核〔爐〕心穴;反應器屏蔽庫 reactor vault
反應器〔壓力〕容器;反應器壓力槽 reactor vessel
反應器容器附屬品 reactor vessel appurtenance
反應器容器沖放 reactor vessel blowdown
反應器容器凸線 reactor vessel flang
" reactor vessel head
反應器容器儀表應用 reactor vessel instrumentation"
反應器容器容器內部 reactor vessel internal
反應器容器準位 reactor vessel level
反應器容器壓力 reactor vessel pressure
反應器容器開關 reactor vessel switch
反應器容器熱循環 reactor vessel thermal cycle
反應器容器槽水位 reactor vessel water level
反應器容器水溫 reactor vessel water temperature
反應器廢料 reactor waste
反應器水 reactor water
反應器水化學 reactor water chemistry
反應器化學限度 reactor water chemistry linit
反應器水凈化警示 reactor water cleanup annunciator
反應器水位 reactor water level
反應器水通路 reactor water passage
反應器水質 reactor water quality
反應器水樣品管 reactor water sample line
反應器井 reactor well
反應器井水位 reactor well watr level
吸收控制反應器 reactor, absorption-controlled
真實反應器 reactor, actual
進步型反應器 reactor, advanced
氣冷式反應器 reactor, air-colled
飛機屏蔽試驗反應器 Reactor, Aircraft Shield Test
飛機反應器 reactor, airplane
水池式反應器 reactor, aquarium
水均勻反應器 reactor, aqueous homogeneous
阿莫耳粉末燃料反應器 Reactor, Armour Dust-Fueled
陸軍成套動力反應器 Reactor, Army Package Power
原子反應器 reactor, atomic
自動催化反應器;正溫度係數反應器 reactor, autocatalytic
塔式自動沸水反應器 reactor, automatic boiling column
自動操縱反應器 reactor, autonomous
裸反應器 reactor, bare
間歇反應器 reactor, batch
鈹緩和反應器 reactor, beryllium-moderated
鈹反射體反應器 reactor, beryllium-reflected
鉍、石墨反應器 reactor, bismuth-graphite
沸騰反應器 reactor, boiling
沸騰循環反應器 reactor, boiling cycle
沸騰式實驗反應器 Reactor, Boiling Experimental
沸水反應器 reactor, boiling water
塔式沸騰反應器 reactor, boiling-column
沸騰式實驗反應器 reactor, Borax
滋生反應器 reactor, breeder
整體屏蔽反應器 Reactor, Bulk Shielding
石墨反應器 reactor, carbon
" reactor, carrier-uranium
航空母艦核反應器 reactor, carrier-vessel"
催化交換反應器 reactor, catalytic exchange
陶質反應器 reactor, ceramic
鏈式反應器 reactor, chain
循環燃料反應器 reactor, circulating-fuel
循環溶液反應器 reactor, circulating-solution
民用動力核反應器 reactor, civilian power nuclear
清潔反應器 reactor, clean
密閉循環氣冷式反應器 reactor, closed-cycle gas-cooled
〔燃料〕緊堆反應器 reactor, closely packed
二氧化碳〔冷卻〕重水反應器 reactor, CO2-D2O
二氧化碳〔冷卻〕石墨反應器 reactor, CO2-graphite
冷反應器 reactor, cold
冷凈反應器 reactor, cold clean
商用動力反應器 reactor, commercial power
可控制反應器 reactor, controlled
收歛反應器 reactor, convergent
轉化反應器 reactor, converter
核〔爐〕心圍包反應器 reactor, core-blanket
臨界反應器 reactor, critical
立方形反應器 reactor, cubic
圓柱形反應器 reactor, cylindrical
重水反應器 reactor, D2O
重水縣浮反應器 reactor, D2O suspension
重水反射反應器 reactor, D2O-reflected
示範反應器 reactor, demonstration
重水緩和反應器 reactor, deuterium-moderated
開發性反應器 reactor, development
稀釋〔燃料〕反應器 reactor, dilute
直接空氣循環反應器 reactor, direct aircycle
搖動反應器 reactor, distorted
擴散反應器 reactor, divergent
唐瑞快中子反應器〔英國〕 reactor, Dounrey Fast
唐瑞材料試驗反應器 Reactor, Dounrey Materials Testing
雙循環反應器 reactor, dual-cycle
兩用反應器 reactor, dual-purpose
反應器模型 reactor, dummy
工程〔用〕反應器 reactor, engineering
工程試驗反應器 Reactor, Engineering Test
強化反應器 reactor, enhanced
濃化燃料反應器 reactor, enriched-fuel
" reactor, enriched-uranium
恩里科?費米快滋生反應器 reactor, Enrico-Fermi fast breeder"
超熱中子反應器 reactor, epithermal
交換反應器 reactor, exchange
實驗反應器 reactor, experimental
實驗性滋生反應器 Reactor, Experimental Breeder
指數反應器 reactor, exponential
快中子反應器 reactor, fast
快滋生反應器 reactor, fast breeder
快中子鈽反應器 reactor, fast plutonium
快中子分裂反應器 reactor, fast-fission
快中子反應器 reactor, fast-neutron
有限反應器 reactor, finite
分裂型反應器 reactor, fission-type
固定燃料反應器 reactor, fixed-fuel
平坦通率反應器 reactor, flat-flux
平板反應器 reactor, flat-plate
液體燃料反應器 reactor, fluid(-fueled)
液化反應器 reactor, fluidized
液化固體反應器 reactor, fluidized solid
液化床反應器;準流體床反應器 reactor, fluidized-bed
液化燃料反應器 reactor, fluidized-fuel
彎曲管道反應器 reactor, folded
食品照射反應器 reactor, food-irradiation
供給反應器燃料 reactor, fuel a
照原尺寸反應器 reactor, full-scale
熔合反應器 reactor, fusion
氣冷反應器 reactor, gas-cooled
氣體循環反應器 reactor, gas-cycle
通用反應器 reactor, general-purpose
戈第伐反應器〔美國一種遙控?35臨界實驗的代號〕 reactor, Godiva
石墨〔緩和〕反應器 reactor, graphite (-moderated)
" reactor, graphite-uranium
地面實驗性反應器 reactor, ground test"
韓福特生產反應器 reactor, Hannford production
熱化反應器 reactor, heat
重水反應器 reactor, heavy-water
氦冷反應器 reactor, heliumcooled
非均質反應器 reactor, heterogeneous
高能反應器;大必v反應器 reactor, high-enery (-level)
高濃化反應器 reactor, high-enrichment
高通率反應器 reactor, high-flux
高濃化反應器 reactor, highly enriched
高必v反應器 reactor, highly rated
高性能反應器 reactor, high-performance
高性能研究反應器 reactor, high-performance research
高必v反應器 reactor, high-power
高必v密度反應器 reactor, high-power-density
高必v輸出反應器 reactor, high-power-output
高溫反應器 reactor, high-temperature
均質反應器 reactor, homogeneous
均勻水反應器 reactor, homogeneous aqueous
均勻石墨反應器 reactor, homogeneous graphite
均勻溶液反應器 reactor, homogeneous solution
均勻釷反應器 reactor, homogeneous thorium
熱化反應器 reactor, hot clean
熱臨界反應器 reactor, hot critical
鏡像反應器 reactor, image
部份熱中子反應器 reactor, incompletely thermal
工業型核反應器 reactor, industrial-type nuclear
無限反應器 reactor, infinite
無限反射反應器 reactor, infinitely reflected
無限平板反應器 reactor, infinite-slab
中能中子反應器 reactor, intermediate
內部冷卻反應器 reactor, internally cooled
離子交換器 reactor, ion-exchange
正臨界反應器 reactor, just-critical
實驗室反應器 reactor, laboratory
大船用反應器 reactor, large-ship
柵格反應器 reactor, lattice
柵格試驗反應器 reactor, lattice-testing
輕水緩和反應器 reactor, light-water-moderated
液冷式反應器 reactor, liquid-cooled
液態金屬滋生反應器 reactor, liquid-metal breeder
液態金屬燃料反應器 reactor, liquid-metal fuel
液態金屬冷卻反應器 reactor, liquid-metal-cooled
液態緩和反應器 reactor, liquid-moderator
液態縣浮燃料反應器 reactor, liquid-suspension
液態燃料反應器 reactor, liquid-tuel
液態反應器 reactor, liquid-type
廉價低必v反應器 reactor, low-cost low-power
低能反應器 reactor, low-energy
低濃化反應器 reactor, low-enrichment
低通率反應器 reactor, low-flux
低〔通率〕密度試驗反應器 Reactor, Low-Intensity Test
低必v反應器 reactor, low-power
低必v輸出反應器 reactor, low-power-output
低溫反應器 reactor, low-temperature
〔燃料〕成塊反應器 reactor, lumped
材料和工程試驗反應器 Reactor, Materials and Engineering test
材料試驗反應器 Reactor, Materials Testing
材料生產反應器 reactor, materials-producing
醫用反應器 reactor, medical
醫療用反應器 reactor, medical therapy
醫學研究用反應器 reactor, medical-research
中等必v反應器 reactor, medium-power
商船用反應器 reactor, merchant-ship
金屬燃料反應器 reactor, metal-fueled
移動反應器 reactor, mobile
緩和反應器 reactor, moderated
箱式反應器 reactor, modular
多區反應器 reactor, multiple-region
棒束反應器 reactor, multiple-rod
多區反應器 reactor, multiple-section
多用途反應器 reactor, multlpurpose
鈉鉀冷卻反應器 reactor, NaK-cooled
裸反應器 reactor, naked
" reactor, natural-uranium
海軍反應器 reactor, naval"
" reactor, near-natural uranium
近熱中子反應器 reactor, near-thermal"
中子鏈反應器 reactor, neutron chain
中子反應器 reactor, neutronic
產生中子反應器 reactor, neutron-producer
非水液態燃料反應器 reactor, non-aqueous fluid ruel
非自催化反應器 reactor, non-autocatalytic
非沸騰反應器 reactor, non-boiling
非滋生反應器 reactor, non-breeder
非臨界反應器 reactor, non-critical
非移動反應器 reactor, non-mobile
非產和動力反應器 reactor, non-power-productin
不加塵反應器 reactor, non-pressurized
非再生反應器 reactor, non-regenerative
非熱反應器 reactor, non-thermal
" reactor, normal-uranium
核鏈反應器 reactor, nuclear chain
核工試驗反應器 Reactor, Nuclear Engineering Test
試驗性核反應器 Reactor, Nuclear Test
核反應器 reactor, nuclear"
亞米茄?維斯特反應器 Reactor, Omega West
單流反應器 reactor, once-through
單區反應器 reactor, one-region
單區反應器 reactor, one-section
單速反應器 reactor, one-velocity
開池式反應器 reactor, open-pool
有機緩和反應器 reactor, organic-moderated
氧化燃料反應器 reactor, oxide-fueled
成套式反應器 reactor, package
成套式反應器 reactor, packaged
薄餅式反應器 reactor, pancake
物理常數試驗反應器 Reactor, Physical Constant Test
領試反應器 reactor, pilot
領試反應器 reactor, pilot-plant
電漿反應器 reactor, plasma
平板式反應器 reactor, plate-type
產鈽動力反應器 reactor, pllutonium-and-power
" reactor, plutionium/uranjum
鈽反應器 reactor, plutonium
鈽燃料反應器 reactor, plutonium fueled
產鈽專用反應器 reactor, plutonium-only
鈽反應器 reactor, plutonium-producing
鈽再循環試驗反應器 reactor, plutonium-recycle test
鈽再生反應器 reactor, plutonium-regenerating
水池式試驗反應器 reactor, pool test"
水池式反應器 reactor, pool-type
多孔反應器 reactor, porous
動力反應器 reactor, power
動力滋生反應器 reactor, power breeding
成套動力反應器 reactor, power package
動力專用反應器 reactor, power-only
產鈽動力反應器 reactor, power-plus-plutonium
生產動力反應器 reactor, power-producing
實用反應器 reactor, practical
壓水石墨反應器 reactor, preesurized-water graphite
加壓反應器 reactor, pressurized
壓力反應器 reactor, pressurized gas
壓水反應器 reactor, pressurized water
主反應器 reactor, primary
生產反應器 reactor, producing
生產反應器 reactor, production
瞬發〔中子〕反應器 reactor, prompt
推進反應器 reactor, propulsion
產鈽反應器 reactor, Pu-producing
輻射效應反應器 reactor, radiation-effects
輻射處理反應器 reactor, radiation-processing
真實反應器 reactor, real
矩形六面體反應器 reactor, rectangular-parallelepipedal
燃料再循環反應器 reactor, recycling
反射反應器 reactor, reflected
研究用反應器 reactor, research
研究發展用反應器 reactor, research-and-development
共振〔中子〕反應器 reactor, resonance
正圓柱形反應器 reactor, right cylindrical
火箭反應器 reactor, rocket
棒控制反應器 reactor, rod-controled
失控反應器 reactor, runaway
安全臨界反應器 reactor, safely supercritical
自限反應器 reactor, self-limiting
自持反應器 reactor, self-maintaining
自推動移動反應器 reactor, self-propelled mobile
自調節反應器 reactor, self-regulating
自持反應器 reactor, self-sustaining
半無限平板反應器 reactor, semi-infinite plane
船用反應器 reactor, ship
單能反應器 reactor, single-energy
單用途反應器 reactor, single-purpose
單區反應器 reactor, single-region
板狀反應器 reactor, slab
慢〔中子〕反應器 reactor, slow
慢中子反應器 reactor, slow-neutron
漿體〔燃料〕反應器 reactor, slurry
鈉冷反應器 reactor, sodium-cooled
鈉—氘反應器 reactor, sodium-deuterium
鈉—石墨反應器 reactor, sodium-graphite
固體核〔爐〕心反應器 reactor, solid-core
固體燃料反應器 reactor, solld-fueled
固體—水反應器 reactor, solld-water
溶液型反應器 reactor, solution-type
中子源反應器 reactor, source
球形反應器 reactor, spherical
使反應器強化 reactor, spike a
強化反應器 reactor, spiked
分流冷卻反應器 reactor, split-flow
固定反應器 reactor, stationary
固定動力反應器 reactor, stationary power
穩流冷卻反應器 reactor, steady-flow
次臨界反應器 reactor, subcritical
潛艇用中能反應器 Reactor, Submarine Intermediate
潛艇熱中子反應器 Reactor, Submarine Thermal
潛艇隊用反應器 reactor, submarine-fleet
潛艇用進步型反應器 reactor, sunmarine advanced
超臨界反應器 reactor, supercritical
過熱沸騰反應器 reactor, superheating boiling
表面冷卻反應器 reactor, surface-cooled
縣浮液反應器 reactor, suspension
水池式反應器 reactor, swimming-pool
具反射體反應器 reactor, tamped
箱式反應器 reactor, tank-type
試驗用反應器 reactor, test
試驗用反應器 reactor, testing
熱中子反應器 reactor, thermal
熱中子滋生反應器 reactor, thermal breeder
熱中子試驗反應器 Reactor, Thermal Test
熱中子反應器 reactor, thermal-neutron
熱核反應器 reactor, thermonuclear
釷反應器 reactor, thorium
釷滋生反應器 reactor, thorium breeder
釷燃料反應器 reactor, thorium-fueled
" reactor, thorium-uranium-fueled
三群反應器 reactor, three-group"
訓練用反應器 reactor, training
可運送動力反應器 reactor, transportable power
真實反應器 reactor, true
腫瘤治療反應器 reactor, tumor-treatment
雙核〔爐〕心反應器 reactor, two-core
雙區反應器 reactor, two-region
飽B重水反應器 reactor, U-D2O
無冷卻反應器 reactor, uncooled
未搖動反應器 reactor, undistrorted
均勻裝載反應器 reactor, uniformly loaded
大學訓練反應器 Reactor, University Training
無緩和反應器 reactor, unmoderated
未中毒反應器 reactor, unpoisoned
無反射反應器 reactor, unreflected
" reactor, uranium
飽X重水反應器 reactor, uranium-and-heavy-water"
嘀U料反應器 reactor, uranium-fueled
飽X石墨反應器 reactor, uranium-graphite
" reactor, uranium-production
可變通率反應器 reactor, variable-flux"
可變緩和劑反應器 reactor, variable-moderator
未使用反應器 reactor, virgin
虛反應器 reactor, virtual
無空泡反應器 reactor, void-free
水冷反應器 reactor, water
水鍋反應器 reactor, water boiler
水冷反應器 reactor, water-cooled
水緩和反應器 reactor, water-moderated
濃化水溶液反應器 reactor, water-solution enriched
井式反應器 reactor, well-type
零能反應器 reactor, zero-energy
零能快中子反射器 reactor, zero-energy fast
零能熱中子反應器 reactor, zero-energy thermal
零必v反應器 reactor, zero-power
反應器—轉化器 reactor,-converter
反應器必v下降 reactor-down
反應器—照射器 reactor-irradiator
推挽式反應器 reactors, push-pull
反應器必v上升 reactor-up
讀出線 read line
讀數器 reader
讀數 reading
正確讀數 reading, accurate
重復讀數 reading, duplicate
超標度讀數 reading, off-scale
感光板讀數 reading, photographicplate
遙控讀數 reading, remote
刻度讀數 reading, scale
零讀數 reading, zero
示值讀數 readout
試劑 reagent
微量分析試劑 reagent, microanalytical
真實吸收係數 real absorption coefficient
真實反應器 real reactor
合理假設 realistic assumption
真實—隨機計數比 real-to-random ratio
電驛核對 realy check
原子重排 rearramge, emt. Atomic
重排 rearrangement
燃料重排 rearrangement of fuel
重排反應 rearrangement reactions
分子內部重排 rearrangement, intramolecular
合理限度 reasonableness limit
反應器跳脫 reatctor trip
反應器裝料 reator reed, reactor charge
相對論性電子成束加速器 Rebatron (Relativistic Electron Bunching Accelerator)
再熱器 reboiler
復輝 recalescence
復輝站 recalescence point
再校準 recalibration
〔輻射〕吸收物 receiver (of radiation)
驗收 receiving
承受物體 receiving body
接受槽 receiving tank
接受 reception
吸收率 receptivity
接受器 receptor
輻射探測器 receptor of radiation
隱性特徵 recessive character
隱性突變 recessive mutations
(一)再次裝料(二)再充電 recharge
(一)再次裝料(二)再充電 recharging
再裝護套 reciadding
倒數 reciprocal
互易昌格 reciprocal lattice
互易極性 reciprocal polarity
速度倒數區 reciprocal velocity
往復柱 reciprocating column
往復式壓縮機 reciprocating compressor
互易柵;移動柵 reciprocating grid; moving grid
再循環泵速率 recirculating pump speed
再循環系統 recirculating system
再循環 recirculation
再循環排洩阻塞閥 recirculation discharge block valve
再循環流量控制系統 recirculation flow control system
再循環水流回流 recirculation flow run back
再循環進水口噴嘴 recirculation inlet nozzle
再循環管線 recirculation line
再循環迴路 recirculation loop
再循環迴路破裂 recirculation loop break
再循環迴路閥 recirculation loop valve
再循環馬達泵軸 recirculation motor-pump shaft
再循環出口環路 recirculation outlet loop
再循環路徑 recirculation path
再循環泵 recirculation pump
再循環泵排水 recirculation pump discharge
再循環泵流量率 recirculation pump flow rate
再循環泵動葉輸 recirculation pump impeller
再循環泵超速 recirculation pump overspeed
再循環泵密封墊 recirculation pump seal packing
再循環泵跳脫 recirculation pump trip
再循環泵跳脫瞬態 recirculation pump trip transient
再循環高揚管線 recirculation riser line
再循環系統吸取水管 recirculation system suction line
再循環閥 recirculation valve
再循環水系統 recirculation water system
強制循環 recirculation, forced
自然對流循環 recirculation, natural-convection
回跳;反衝 recoil
回跳原子 recoil atom
回跳化學 recoil chemistry
回跳計數器 recoil counter
回跳電子 recoil electron
回跳能;反衝能 recoil energy
回跳核 recoil nucleus
回跳粒子 recoil particle
回跳粒子計數管 recoil particle counter tube
回跳比例計數器 recoil proportional counter
回跳質子 recoil proton
回跳質子計數管 recoil proton counter tube
回跳徑跡;反衝軌跡 recoil track
原子團反衝 recoil, aggregate
原子回跳 recoil, atomic
康卜吞回跳 recoil, compton
彈性回跳 recoil, elastic
分裂碎片反衝 recoil, fission
向前反衝 recoil, forward
反衝核子 recoil, nucleon
質子反衝 recoil, proton
放射性反衝 recoil, radioactive
復合;再結合 recombination
復合係數 recombination coefficient
游離復合 recombination in ionization
復合準位 recombination level
復合輻射 recombination radiation
復合率 recombination rate
氣體復合 recombination, gas
再結合;復合 recombine
復合系統 recombine system
復合器 recombiner
火焰式復合器 recombiner, flame-type
使相符 reconcile
結果相符 reconcile the results
(一)更正(二)恢復 recondition
記錄 record
記錄圖表 record chart
示波圖 record, oscilloscope
記錄器 recorder
記錄器石墨捲條線圖 recorder graphite strip chart
放大器記錄器 recorder, amplifier
連續記錄器 recorder, continuous
計數記錄器 recorder, counting
遲延時間記錄器 recorder, delay(-time)
數字記錄器 recorder, digital
直寫記錄器 recorder, direct-writing
快速記錄器 recorder, fast(-response)
脈衝記錄器 recorder, impulse
墨水筆記錄器 recorder, inked pen
等劑量記錄器 recorder, isodose
對數N記錄器 recorder, log N
對數計數率記錄器 recorder, log-countrate
磁式記錄器 recorder, magnetic
機械記錄器 recorder, mechanical
多點記錄器 recorder, multiplepoint
筆和墨水記錄器 recorder, pen(-and-ink)
電位記錄器 recorder, potentiometric
必v記錄器 recorder, power
比例記錄器 recorder, ratio
單點記錄器 recorder, single-point
捲條線圖記錄器 recorder, strip-chart
過渡記錄器 recorder, transient
金屬線記錄器 recorder, wire
登記;記錄 recording
記錄數率計 recording ratemeter
記錄單位 recording unit
照相記錄 recording, photographic
回收 recover
(一)復合(二)回收 recovery
從照射中回收 recovery from irradiation
(一)復原率(二)回收率 recovery rate
(一)復原時間(二)回收時間 recovery time
酸萃取 recovery, acid
化學還原 recovery, chemical
通率回復 recovery, flux
燃料回收 recovery, fuel
髡^收 recovery, uranium
廢料回收 recovery, waste
再結晶 recrystallization
矩形脈衝 rectangular pulse
長方形井 rectangular well
(一)整流(二)精餾 rectification
精餾塔 rectification column
(一)整流器(二)精餾器 rectifier
整流器電路 rectifier circuit
整流管 rectifier valve tube
電子整流器 rectifier, electron
相靈敏整流器 rectifier, phase-sensitive
(一)凈化(二)整流 rectify
直線操作器 rectilinear manipulator
重現頻率 recurrence frequence
再循環 recycle
再循環比 recycle ratio
鈽再循環 recycle, plutonium
單級再循環 recycle, single-stage
髡A循環 recycle, uranium
再循環燃料 recycled fuel
紅血球 red blood cell
紅血球殘存 red cell survival
紅血球 red corpuscle
紅血球計數〔值〕 red count
紅潮 red tide
再設計 redesign
再測定 redetermination
殘餘質量 redidual mass
再溶解 redissolve
再分配 redistribute
再分布;再分配 redistribution
必v再分布 redistribution of power
氣泡再分布 redistribution of void
還原氧化電位 redox potential
氧化還原法 redox process
氧化還原反應 redox reaction
氧化還原室 redoxidation chamber
(一)減少(二)使還原 reduce
減少冷卻劑流量 reduced coolant flow
折合質量 reduced mass
減壓試驗 reduced presure test
折合態 reduced state
還原劑 reducing agent
減壓閥 reducing valve
(一)減少(二)還原 reduction
取樣縮減 reduction by sampling
折合係數 reduction coefficient
減速齒輪 reduction gear
大量減少 reduction in bulk
面積縮小;面縮 reduction of area
減至熱能速度 reduction to thermal velocities
數據減少 reduction, data
場衰減 reduction, field
還原器 reductor
多重頻率;多重頻道 redundant channel
多重機件 redundant component
多控制電路 redundant control circuit
多重風扇 redundant fan
多重流量信號 redundant flow signal
多重儀表應用 redundant instrumentation
多重安全有關系統 redundant safety related system
複設系列 redundant train
簧式 reed
簧式位置開關 reed position switch
簧式開關 reed switch
振動簧片 reed, vibrating
捲軸 reel
電纜捲筒;捲軸機 reel assembly
再發射 reemission
重建 re-engineering
再濃化 reenrichment
再濃化工廠 re-enrichment plant
再進入 re-entering
再進入氣冷 re-entrant gas cooling
再抽空 re-evacuate
再抽空 re-evacuation
再蒸發 re-evaporation
再蒸發核 reevaporation nucleus
反萃取 re-extract
再製備 refabricate
再製備 refabrication
參考 reference
參考水柱 reference column
參考劑量 reference dose
參考坐標系 reference frame
參考輸入變數 reference input variable
參考壓力 reference pressure
參考反應器 reference reactor
參考源 reference source
再充滿;再注滿 refill
再充滿;再注滿 refilling
精煉 refinement
煉製廠;精製廠 refinery
鐳精製廠 refinery, radium
〔使〕再平坦〔通率〕 reflatten
反射壓力 reflected pressure
反射反應器 reflected reactor
反射震波 reflected shock wave
反射波 reflected wave
反射容量 reflecting capacity
反射層 reflecting layer
反射區 reflecting region
反射 reflection
反射效應 reflection effect
反射因數 reflection factor
反射靶 reflection target
布勒格反射 reflection, Bragg
漫反射 reflection, diffuse
雙反射 reflection, double
額外X射線反射 reflection, extra X-ray
空間反射 reflection, space
時間反射 reflection, time
全反射 reflection, total
反射體控制 reflector control
反射體經濟性 reflector economy
反射體節約 reflector savings
反射體槽 reflector tank
全石墨反射體 reflector, all-graphite
底層反射體 reflector, bottom
移入反射體 reflector, move-in
多區反射體 reflector, mutiregion
中子反射體 reflector, neutron
不吸收反射體 reflector, non-absorbing
不可孕反射體 reflector, nonfertile
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